Brandy Cohen of Insane Cookies – Cookies

Oh cookies, where to start? Cookies are the reason that Brandy Cohen and the rest of the Insane Cookies team get up and go to work in the morning. They believe in the possibility of something sweeter, and perhaps more delicious than ever before. And they strive to push the progress of the cookie, and the positive influence it has on society as a whole.

Brandy Cohen Insane Cookies (14)

You see, when you give a cookie to someone, you are giving them more than just a soft, chewy piece of baked dough embedded with morsels; you are also giving them a token of happiness that they can carry in their bellies throughout the day. And from then on, every experience they have has just that little touch of extra added sweetness. It is love, delivered in a handheld and edible fashion. And if you see it the way that Insane Cookies does, you can customize and tailor that feeling to hit all the right notes.

You can go with a familiar flavor, let’s say chocolate chip for example, and make that person feel at home and all warm and mushy inside. But sometimes, we want the exotic and unfamiliar to tend to our sense of adventure. Perhaps a Thrill Seeker to get you riled up; or you can show your appreciation for variety by mixing things up and being an Indulgent, Exhibitionist, Party Animal (yes, these are all flavors). There are many to choose from, but be assured that no cookie is like an Insane Cookie; and you are in for something special every time.

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